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Latest posts:

Tips and Tricks for Thriving in Grad School
Aug 21, 2020
Last year, the GPN launched a "Thriving in Grad School" series, where graduate students and recent grads shared some of their tips and tricks on getting through their program.
Perspectives, possibilities, and community: Welcome to Neuropsyched!
Aug 12, 2020
Neuropsyched is an online science communication platform in the format of a digital magazine, created by six UBC Neuroscience graduate students.
A crash course in science communication: Why it’s important and how to get started
Jul 15, 2020
As graduate students, we are inundated with new knowledge all the time, from staying current on the latest research to making our own discoveries. We take in a lot of information, but the ultimate goal is to communicate this newfound knowledge in a coherent, accessible way.
Showing up fully for virtual academic conferences
Jul 08, 2020
Building professional relationships is vital to the career success of scientists, especially trainees and early-career researchers. With academic conferences going virtual, many of us are exploring new ways to share our research and to connect with the broader academic community.
Life after Grad School: Dr. Andrea Globa
Jun 29, 2020
In this mini-series, we will be checking in with GPN Alumni who have gone on to have successful careers outside of academia.