A student normally will be admitted to Candidacy when they have completed all of the required course work, and passed the Comprehensive Examination, which includes approval of the thesis Research Proposal. Detailed information is provided in the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.
As per UBC Graduate Studies policy, it is recommended that students gain admission to candidacy within 24 months from the date of initial registration. A student who is not admitted to candidacy within 36 months from date of initial registration must withdraw from the program. Extension of this period may be permitted by the Dean of Graduate Studies in exceptional circumstances.
- All students (MSc and PhD) are required to present a Research Proposal to their Supervisory Committee not later than 2 years after entrance into the Program.
- For students entered into the PhD program, the written component of the Comprehensive Examination consists of the Research Proposal.
- Acceptance of the written Research Proposal by the candidate’s Supervisory Committee is a necessary condition, together with passing the oral Comprehensive Examination, for admission to candidacy.