All full-time students, who are offered admission to the MSc or PhD neuroscience program, will be provided with a minimum funding package for each of the first two years of their Masters ($22,500 per year) or each of the first four years of their PhD ($26,000 per year). The funding package may consist of any combination of internal or external awards, teaching-related work, research assistantships, and graduate academic assistantships. The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies provides an overview of the awards and scholarships available for domestic and international students.
Whereas the minimum stipend is only guaranteed for two (MSc) or four years (PhD), financial support beyond this period is possible and depends on the ability of the supervisor to support the student and/or on existing scholarships and awards. Students will discuss this with their supervisor upon entry into the program, and following completion of their first year of studies.
For most programs, graduate tuition is assessed as an annual program fee, which is divided into three equal installments due at the beginning of academic terms starting in September, January, and May. This fee is the same regardless of how many course credits you are registered in.
Current tuition fees for all graduate programs can be found in the Graduate Degree Program listing and the UBC Calendar online:
For additional information on tuition and fees for graduate students, visit Graduate Tuition Fees.
The UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has this Cost of Living calculator to help with estimating the cost of graduate school.