The University of British Columbia offers a coordinated program of graduate studies leading to Masters (MSc) and PhD degrees in Neuroscience. Which degree program you choose will depend on your academic preparation and on the goals for your further academic education and for your career.
In both programs, we strive to advance your learning through hands-on original research training under supervision, and by teaching transferable and relevant skills for careers inside and outside of academia that are needed to build knowledge societies.
The program is research-oriented: students are expected to engage in research from the start of their studies. Research is undertaken in individual laboratories, under the supervision of one of our faculty members, over a wide range of foundational and applied neuroscience topics.
The core program of courses offered to entering students consists of topics in cellular and molecular neuroscience, behavioural and systems neuroscience, and utilizes knowledge from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, and more. Additional related courses are available for selection by the student and their supervisory committee.
For questions about becoming a graduate student in neuroscience at the University of British Columbia, email ubc.neuroscience@ubc.ca.
The next admission cycle is for September 2026 entry. Applications open on July 15, 2025, and close on November 15, 2025.
How to apply and overview of our application process
We follow a holistic admissions process that promotes an inclusive, equitable, and rigorous review of each graduate application. Applicants are evaluated through a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods. Each year, we aim to admit a diverse cohort of motivated students who are likely to benefit the most from the excellent mentoring relationships and training environment we offer in our program.
Applications for the Graduate Program in Neuroscience are received through the UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. For information on the application process, please visit www.grad.ubc.ca or apply online through the Graduate Studies website.
Our program requires a portfolio of application materials: transcripts, English language tests (if applicable), and information about previous research experience, including a list of any research conference presentations or publications. These materials allow us to assess program-specific knowledge, academic preparation, and research skills and potential. We also require a narrative statement of interest and three letters of reference, allowing us to assess motivation and drive, social, interpersonal, communication, and emotional skills.
Acceptance into the Graduate Program in Neuroscience is primarily dependent on:
- Meeting the general entrance requirements of the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies and our program
- Acceptance by the Neuroscience Admissions Committee, and
- Securing a supervisor and funding.